Help those in need to get a special release

As said earlier I’m working on a feature that makes it possible for you to have FVE accept the requests intended for you automatically when 50 requests are reached. I’ve decided to make it a special release with the name “FV Extender Auto”. Here is the next FVE development steps  so you can understand the full scale of what’s going to happen:

Release of FV Extender Classic 3.1.11

Planned features:

  • Default support for all games(when enabled for a game).
  • NEW OPTION: Play reminder sound when a game reaches a user defined number of requests.

Release date: As soon as it’s done. I’m dying to see it out there 🙂

Release of FV Extender Auto

Planned features:

  • The same base features as FVE Classic 3.1.11
  • NEW OPTION “Auto process”: Automatically accepts requests when a game reaches a user defined number of requests.

Release date for FV Extender Auto

FV Extender Auto is first released at least a couple of weeks after FV Extender Classic 3.1.11 has been released.

After that it is released based on the interest shown from you.

The first step of showing your interest is by each of you doing the following now:

  1. Create a new e-mail message
  2. As subject to the message write “I’m interested
  3. As text in message write “I’m prepared to donate (x$) to an emergency fund of my own choice to show that I’m interested in FV Extender Auto“. Instead of (x$) write the amount you are prepared to donate. You can write the amount in any currency you wish, but for me it would be easier if it was in american dollars. I suggest you write 5-10$ as a minimum.
  4. Send the e-mail message to me at the e-mail address:
  5. Finally make sure that you are also signed up for the FVE newsletter. This way you will know immediately if change of plans happens.

When FV Extender Auto is finally ready it will only be released when all of you have actually made all your donations(or the amount I decide is suitable). Right now you don’t need to donate anything, but feel free to do it anyway as there are all the time suffering people around world who need it. For now just follow the step 1-4 to show your interest for now, and then wait for me to guide you through the rest of the process when FV  Extender Auto is done.

I have to underline that the donations only decides when FV Extender Auto will be available. And the donations are to an emergency fund and not me. FV Extender Classic will always be free. FV Extender Auto is free to use after it has been released but you will have to do a joint effort to get it released.

I really hope you will be a part of this. Thank you 🙂

Please contact me if you have any questions to this post.

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  1. Pingback: FV Extender | Weekly test 5/2012

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