3.1.11: Just a major bug fix#instant-update

With this bug fix I hope FVE can go on working until I get the version with the new features finished. The changes are pretty basic. It doesn’t look like Zynga or FB intended in any way to hit FVE. They just ” forgot” that someone like us exists, when they probably had to adjust something related to new features in FV like the Jade Farm. Which I believe should go online today.

Some of the event requests(like the wandering animals) were accepted slower than necessary. This is also fixed with this release.

There is a little known bug still there. When FVE clicks the “send gift” to return a gift it will sometimes receive an error. FVE will automatically continue after 10 seconds. So this won’t stop FVE from running. I will try to fix this later.


Here you can download this release(3.1.11):

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