3.1.27: FVE is back on and has moved

During the last week Google again tried to force app developers to put their Chrome apps inside their Chrome Webshop instead of hosting them on their own website. FV Extender had to face that challenge too. This affected you since FVE was gradually disabled so you were unable to enable it…

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Chrome changes

Some users have reported they were unable to install FVE because Chrome says it needs to be installed from Chrome Web Store. For some reason this doesn’t affect myself yet. I’m still able to install as described on the download page. I’ll try to get it online(move it) this weekend…

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Stable again

FV Extender is now running stable again. Yesterday I updated it twice(with the same version number). The first update introduced the actual fix. The second update  fixed some stability problems that made the “Oops” error occur some times again. Now the “Oops” error should…

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3.1.25: Fix/workaround

About this release

Some of you may have noticed that Facebook has made life hard for FV Extender during the last week. Today I did some searching around on the internet and saw a user mentioning the old game requests page as a place where requests actually can be accepted…

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3.1.24: Tiny fix

About this release

Facebook made a little annoying change in their code. So therefore I had to make a little pathetic fix to make FVE work with that change 🙂  I hope it works for you.

How to download

To download the latest release I urge you to go to…

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FVE won’t process requests

Several users have now reported that FVE won’t process requests. Today I have also experienced this myself.

I will have a look at the problem within the next couple of days. There is a chance it will fix itself during that time if Facebook have just made a temporary error.


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