User guide


FV Extender is for those of you who want to get your gifts from Facebook but hate the manual routine that follows when you try to do that. It is the closest you get to the way you would have done it yourself.

System requirements

  • Google Chrome web browser.
  • FVE(FV Extender) is tested on Google Chrome version 35 but should work on some earlier versions too.

Installing the Google Chrome web browser

Google Chrome is one of the browsers that runs FarmVille(and other games made by Zynga) most smoothly. That is why this extension/plug-in is made for Google Chrome and not eg. Firefox.

Google Chrome is by far also the fastest and easiest browser to install. Follow Google’s instructions to install it.

You can find more information about what Google Chrome is by reading Google’s own presentation of Chrome.

Downloading and installing FV Extender

Find the download and install instruction on the download page here.


There is a support website located at:

This website concerns: Known issues,  Bug reports, Feature requests, Frequently asked questions and any other question/idea/problem you might have related to FVE.

The support website basically lets you ask and next it shows you related pages or finally lets you go on with posting what you have in mind. I will personally answer everything you throw at me and probably within an hour or at least within 24 hours.

Of course you are also welcome to contact me if you have any questions.

Stay up-to-date

If you want to be notified of updates when you can follow FVE on Twitter, Facebook and by subscribing to the FVE newsletter.

Using FV Extender

  1. Click the multi coloured FVE icon next to the wrench icon in the top right of Google Chrome. Next a pop down menu will show.
  2. Click the menu item “Process requests” and FVE starts doing it’s magic.

What’s the magic?

I’ll try to explain how it works. And I don’t mean how you use it. But how it technically/basically works.

The explanation is actually very simple: It simulates exactly what you would have done if you accepted your gifts through Facebook. There is no magic at all. Just plain simulation. Some times it’s eyes are not as good as yours and then it can be a bit slower. But some times it’s also quicker to decide what to do than you.

Basically it:

  1. Clicks the first FarmVille request in the request list on Facebook. This loads a result page.
  2. If the result page contains a send button it automatically clicks this to return a gift and clicks all the way until the return gift is send. No return gift text is added.
  3. When a return gift has been sent or not it just return to the request list on Facebook where the just accepted request is now gone because it’s accepted.
  4. So it continues by clicking the first FarmVille request again. And that way it gets to the bottom of the request list. Just like you would have done.
  5. If it stumbles upon the same request two times it will the second time reject it. This could happen with invalid requests.

It fails…when you would have failed. So if it isn’t able to reject a gift, then you would probably not be able to reject it manually either. If it doesn’t collect a gift then you wouldn’t be able to do it either manually through Facebook.

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